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Illustration for news: LogLinFF presentation at Logica Universalis Webinar

LogLinFF presentation at Logica Universalis Webinar

On May 29, Prof Elena Dragalina-Chernaya made a presentation of the HSE International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy at the Logica Universalis Webinar. The presentation covered the main directions of scientific research, the history and projects of the laboratory.

Irina Nikitina and Anna Moiseeva gave talks at the international scientific conference "uAnalytiCon-2024"

Intern researcher IL LogLinFF Irina Nikitina and researcher IL LogLinFF Anna Moiseeva made presentations at the international scientific conference "uAnalytiCon-2024: Reference and Objectivity" which took place in Yekaterinburg on May 24 and 25.

Illustration for news: Egor Emelyanov gave a talk at the workshop "From the Logical Point of View"

Egor Emelyanov gave a talk at the workshop "From the Logical Point of View"

On May 24, a session of the scientific research workshop "From the Logical Point of View" took place where the intern researcher IL LogLinFF Egor Emelyanov made a presentation on the topic of "A Simple Argument: Are the Conditions of Correct Use Sufficient for the Normativity of Linguistic Meaning?"

Elena Dragalina-Chernaya's talk at the Academic Council of the Faculty of Humanities

On May 21, Elena Dragalina-Chernaya made a presentation on the topic of "Pluralism in Logic and Formal Philosophy" at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Humanities of the Higher School of Economics.

Illustration for news: A series of talks entitled "Normative and Descriptive Models of Reasoning"

A series of talks entitled "Normative and Descriptive Models of Reasoning"

On April 26 and May 17, two consecutive meetings of the theoretical workshop "Formal Philosophy" on the topic "Normative and descriptive models of reasoning" took place.

Illustration for news: Elena Dragalina-Chernaya's article was published in the series "Studies in Universal Logic" by Birkhäuser publishing house

Elena Dragalina-Chernaya's article was published in the series "Studies in Universal Logic" by Birkhäuser publishing house

Elena Dragalina-Chernaya's article "Logical Hylomorphism Revisited: Aristotle, Tarski, and Corcoran" was published in the monograph "Universal Logic, Ethics, and Truths in Honor of John Corcoran (1937-2021)" within the series Studies in Universal Logic by Birkhäuser publishing house.

Illustration for news: Vitaly Dolgorukov and Maxim Gladyshev's joint article is published in the proceedings of AAMAS'24

Vitaly Dolgorukov and Maxim Gladyshev's joint article is published in the proceedings of AAMAS'24

An article by Vitaly Dolgorukov, Rustam Galimullin and Maxim Gladyshev «Dynamic Epistemic Agents Logic of Resource Bounded Information Mining» was published in ««Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 24» (AAMAS) conference proceedings. The AAMAS is the largest and most influential conference in the field of multi-agent system modeling and is on the CORE Computer Science Conference Rankings list of A+.

Elena Dragalina-Chernaya and Lolita Makeyeva made presentations at the International Kant Congress

Prof Elena Dragalina-Chernaya made a presentation on the topic of "Logic as Formal Philosophy: from Kant to Frege and Husserl", and Lolita Makeeva made a presentation "Kant, Putnam's Inner Realism and Metaphysics" at the International Kant Congress "The World Concept of Philosophy", which was held at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University from April 22 to 25.

Illustration for news: Natalia Timina and Ivan Melnikov made presentations at the workshop "From the Logical Point of View"

Natalia Timina and Ivan Melnikov made presentations at the workshop "From the Logical Point of View"

Natalia Timina and Ivan Melnikov, 4th year students of the Higher School of Economics, made presentations on the topic "A Geometric Approach to Epistemic Problems" and "Building a Secure Data Exchange Protocol during the "Russian Card Game"" at the workshop "From the Logical Point of View", which took place on April 19.

Illustration for news: Igor Zaitsev gave a talk on the topic of "Subordinated labelled natural calculus for conditional intuitionistic logics with two independent counterfactual connectives"

Igor Zaitsev gave a talk on the topic of "Subordinated labelled natural calculus for conditional intuitionistic logics with two independent counterfactual connectives"

On April 5 and 12, two consequitive meetings of the research workshop "From the Logical Point of View" were held, at which Igor Zaitsev (RSUH) made a presentation on the topic of "Subordinated labelled natural calculus for conditional intuitionistic logics with two independent counterfactual connectives".