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Andrei Rodin gave a talk "Constructive Axiomatic Architecture for scientific theories"

On October 13, Andrei Rodin presneted the paper "Constructive Axiomatic Architecture for scientific theories" at the Workshop "Current Issues in Logic and Philosophy of Science".

Illustration for news: Manfred Krifka's online lecture

Manfred Krifka's online lecture

On October 6, Manfred Krifka (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität Berlin) gave an online-lecture "Layers of assertive clauses: The syntactic realization and semantic interpretation of epistemics, evidentials, and commitment markers". 

Natalia Zevakhina gave a talk at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society

On September 5, Natalia Zevakhina presented the paper "More facts about syntactic amalgams: Evidence from Russian exclamatives" at the 2020 Slavic Linguistics Society Meeting.

Irina Starikova gave a talk at the 9th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science

On September 2, Irina Starikova presented a talk "Diagrams in mathematical thought experiments" at the 9th  International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science "Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science".

Evgeny Zolin gave a talk at the conference "Advances in Modal Logic 2020"

On August 28 Stanislav Kikot, Ilya Shapirovsky and Evgeny Zolin gave a talk "Modal logics with Transitive Closure: Completeness, Decidability, Filtration" at the conference "Advances in Modal Logic 2020", which was held online. 

The new article of Vladimir L. Vasyukov

The article "Logical Pluralism in Lvov-Warsaw School" written by Vladimir L. Vasyukov was published in the  academic journal “Voprosy Filosofii”.

LLFP joined The Logic Supergroup international project!

The Logic Supergroup is an alliance of logicians in quarantine. It comprises logic groups across the world, hosting virtual talks by speakers that these group would have had in their physical seminars/colloquia, had it not been for the global pandemic. Topics include philosophical logic, mathematical logic, and the use of logic and formal methods in linguistics, computer science, cognitive science, and other areas.

The new article of Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez

The research article "If Sounds Were Dispositions: a Framework Proposal for an Undeveloped Theory" was published in the international journal of analytic philosophy Organon F. 

The new article of Bart Geurts

The article "Joint attention and perceptual experience" written by chief research fellow Bart Geurts was published.

The article written by Méndez-Martínez Jorge Luis was published

The article "Sound Ontology and the Brentano-Husserl Analysis of the Consciousness of Time" written by Méndez-Martínez Jorge Luis was published in the International academic journal “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology”.