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Viktoriia Denisova is undergoing an internship at the Center for Logic, Epistemology and History of Science at the University of Campinas, Brazil

Under the supervision of Professor Fábio Maia Bertato and Professor Itala Loffredo d’Ottoviano Viktoriia is working on formalisms for reasoning with conditionals.

In October-November 2024, intern researcher of IL LLFP Viktoriia Denisova is undergoing an internship at the Center for Logic, Epistemology and History of Science at the University of Campinas, Brazil. Under the supervision of Professors Fábio Maia Bertato and Itala Loffredo d’Ottoviano Viktoriia is working on formalisms for reasoning with conditionals, participates in seminars on the philosophy of language, and also studies paraconsistent logics at meetings of the Paraconsistent Logic Study Group, whose leader is Rafael Ongatto, a PhD student at the Center for Logic, Epistemology and History of Science.