Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez gave the interview
Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez, a researcher at IL LLFP, became the winner of the competition of the National Council of Mexico for Science and Technology. Jorge spoke about his research in an interview with the HSE portal.

Viktoriia Denisova spoke at the Colloquia Logicae seminar
On November 27, Viktoriia Denisova made a presentation at the Colloquia Logicae seminar at Unicamp University, Brazil.

Viktoriia Denisova made two presentations at the University of Campinas "Unicamp", Brazil.
Viktoriia Denisova, intern researcher IL LLFF made two presentations at the University of Campinas "Unicamp", Brazil, where she is undergoing an internship.

Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez has been selected as a Researcher for Mexico ("Investigador por México")
Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez, a researcher at IL LLFP, became the winner of the competition of the National Council for Sciences, Technology and Humanities of Mexico.

IL LLFP at the International Russia — Brazil Partnership Day
On October 14, the International Russia — Brazil Partnership Day took place, organized at the Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the Brazilian Embassy in Moscow.
Natalia Zevakhina gave a talk at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society
On September 5, Natalia Zevakhina presented the paper "More facts about syntactic amalgams: Evidence from Russian exclamatives" at the 2020 Slavic Linguistics Society Meeting.

Lena Pasalskaya together with Jeremy Kuhn gave a talk at Sinn und Bedeutung 24
On 6 September, research assistant of the International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy presented a project in a colloboration with research fellow from Institut Jean Nicod.

Formal Philosophy 2019
The International conference “Formal Philosophy 2019” was held on 27-28 June 2019. The conference was attended by scientists from Russia, USA, Brazil, Poland, Germany, Austria, Portugal and South Korea. It is planned that the conference will be a regular annual event.

Andrei Rodin participated in a conference in Oslo
On June 11, Andrei Rodin, the senior research fellow of the International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy, gave a talk at the conference in Oslo.
Andrei Rodin Gave a talk at City University of New York
On April 24 Andrei Rodin gave a talk on "Directed Homotopy Type Theory and the (In)vertibility of Mathematics".