Elena Dragalina-Chernaya gave a talk at the University of Lisbon.
On May 3, the head of the laboratory gave a talk at the University of Lisbon.
Andrei Rodin Gave a talk at City University of New York
On April 24 Andrei Rodin gave a talk on "Directed Homotopy Type Theory and the (In)vertibility of Mathematics".
"Constructive Knowledge - 9" Workshop
On 15 May, "Constructive Knowledge - 9: neural networks as a black box" Workshop was held in Institute of PhilosophyRussian Academy of Sciences.
Research fellows of the LLFP presented papers at the X International Conference
On 25 April research fellows of the International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy made reports on sessions "The philosophy of P.F. Strawson" and "Neurosciences and moral responsibility: neuroethics perspectives".

Elena Dragalina-Chernaya gave a talk at the conference dedicated to the Formal Methods of Philosophy
Elena Dragalina-Chernaya gave a plenary contributed talk "The Variety of Logical Hylomorphism" at the conference Formal Methods and Science in Philosophy III, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Denis Fedyanin Made a Report at the XX April International Academic Conference
Junior research fellow, Denis Fedyanin, participated in a XX April International Academic Conference.
Aleksander Melnikov and Daria Paniukhina Made Reports at the Conference "Lomonosov - 2019"
Research assistants of the International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy made reports within the Logic subsection of the "Lomonosov-2019" Conference.

Vitaliy Dolgorukov Made a Report at the University of Lisbon
Vitaliy Dolgorukov made the report "Irony, Deception and Lying: an Epistemic Taxonomy for Assertions" at a scientific seminar of research group LangCog (Language, Mind and Cognition) of University of Lisbon.
Aleksandr Mishura Has Received a Grant from RSF
Russian Science Foundation has announced winners of competition for grants within the Program "Basic Scientific Research and Exploratory Scientific Research, Conducted by Small Research Reams".
An Article by Lolita Makeeva Has Been Published in Philosophy Journal
The article "Analytic philosophy as a historico-philosophical phenomenon" by Lolita Makeeva has been published in Philosophy Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1.