The Interview with Louis Vervoort
An interview with Louis Vervoort devoted to the discussion of his presentation at the seminar "Formal Philosophy" has been published
Presentations at the conference "Maltsev Readings"
Two talks were presented at the Maltsev Readings Conference (Novosibirsk, November 11-15, 2024): “Undecidable fragments of predicate extensions of Gödel–Dummett logic” (Mikhail Rybakov and Darya Serova) and "The computational complexity of logic HS with a single variable" (Mikhail Rybakov and Anastasia Onoprienko). The presentations have been prepared as part of the "International Academic Cooperation" project.

Viktoriia Denisova made two presentations at the University of Campinas "Unicamp", Brazil.
Viktoriia Denisova, intern researcher IL LLFF made two presentations at the University of Campinas "Unicamp", Brazil, where she is undergoing an internship.

The international conference "Formal Philosophy" has ended
Photo report from the third day of the conference.

The final day of the Russian-Brazilian Conference
Photo report from the second day of the conference on logical pluralism in memory of Newton da Costa.

Photo report from the first day of the Russian-Brazilian Conference on Logical Pluralism in memory of Newton da Costa
The first day of the conference on logical pluralism in memory of Newton da Costa has ended.

The autumn school "Logic and Formal Philosophy" has ended
A photo report from the last day of school.

The first day of the autumn school "Logic and Formal Philosophy" has ended
The school is part of the international academic cooperation project of IL LLFP and the Center for Logic, Epistemology and History of Science of the University of Campinas.

Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez has been selected as a Researcher for Mexico ("Investigador por México")
Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez, a researcher at IL LLFP, became the winner of the competition of the National Council for Sciences, Technology and Humanities of Mexico.

IL LLFP at the International Russia — Brazil Partnership Day
On October 14, the International Russia — Brazil Partnership Day took place, organized at the Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the Brazilian Embassy in Moscow.