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Illustration for news: A presentation - discussion made by Anna Moiseeva and Mikhail Smirnov on the topic "Situational Semantics for Natural Reasoning"

A presentation - discussion made by Anna Moiseeva and Mikhail Smirnov on the topic "Situational Semantics for Natural Reasoning"

On January 26 and February 2 participants of "Formal Philosophy-81" workshop met to listen to Anna Moiseeva and Mikhail Smirnov who spoke in the format of a discussion paper on the topic "Situational Semantics for Natural Reasoning".

Part 1 "Relevance and logical following from a situational semantics point of view''


One of the central trends in modern logical research is an active appeal to natural reasoning. Their constitutive principles and features are often contrasted with those principles that are known today as classical logic. The latter include extensionality, logical bivalence, understanding of truth values as denotations of descriptive sentences, correlation with natural language syncategoremata of a certain set of truth-functional logical connectives (in particular, material implication as an analogue of conditional structures in natural reasoning), classical understanding of logical consequence, "logical explosion" (trivialization in the presence of any contradiction). The adequacy of all these features of classical logic to the tasks of modeling and analyzing natural reasoning is being questioned today. For example, it is argued that natural reasoning is characterized by a relevant relationship between the components of conditional structures. The classical material implication does not provide the desired relevance. Due to this fact, the task is to determine the relevant implication and change the understanding of logical consequence. Approaches to solving such problems involve the employment of semantic tools that go beyond the standard set-theoretic semantics. One of these non-standard tools is situational semantics. In addition to the applications mentioned above, it is used as an alternative to the semantics of possible worlds for modelled reasoning. In our presentation, first of all, we will consider in more detail the above-mentioned motives for referring to situational semantics. Secondly, we will describe how it can be used for these purposes. Thirdly, we will argue about the logical and philosophical consistency and prospects of the above-mentioned trends. 

Part 2 "Modeling of Epistemic Aspects of Modalities by Means of Situational Semantics"


Anyone who has studied modal logic knows that there is a so-called alethic reading of the modalities of possibility and necessity, which usually compares them with logical or metaphysical possibility and necessity; and there are epistemic and doxastic logics where possibility is understood as acceptability in the epistemic or doxastic sense, respectively, and necessity as knowledge or belief, respectively. However, what if we try to look from an epistemic point of view at the words "possible" and "necessary" themselves, how do they function in natural reasoning? This approach seems justified, since often these words obviously have nothing to do with either logical or metaphysical possibility and necessity, they rather convey something that this particular agent considers possible or necessary in this particular context. This particular point of view on modalities will be adopted in our discussion. Using the tools of situational semantics, we will try to clarify what agents are appealing to when talking about possibility and necessity in one or another way, presumably, these epistemic aspects of modalities should be modeled. We will also touch upon the topics of the modal meaning of identity and its epistemology, the "fate" of objects known to the agent in counterfactual scenarios, the criteria for the likelihood of such scenarios and, in general, how free a fantasy can be so that a reasonable person "can believe in it".

Illustration for news: The workshop to celebrate World Logic Day was held

The workshop to celebrate World Logic Day was held

On January 15, a workshop dedicated to World Logic Day was held at the International Laboratory of Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy.

The first World Logic Day was held at universities and research centers on January 14, 2019. Researchers from more than 30 countries joined the celebration. Yet in the fall of 2019, at the UNESCO conference, January 14 was declared World Logic Day.

The International Laboratory of Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy celebrates World Logic Day for the fifth time. 

Program 17.00–17.10 Opening

17.10–17.35 Evgeny Lebkov, Yulia Blinova, The interplay of the ability to solve non-standard mathematical problems in compliance with logical laws
17.35–18.00 Vyacheslav Pyatakov, The logic of the dynamics of legal relations DyLeR
18.00–18.25 Anna Moiseeva, Situational semantics of conditionals and logical consequence
18.25–18.50 Anna Ovchinnikova, De Re and De Dicto Knowledge in Two-Dimensional Semantics 
18.50–19.20 poster section
19.20–19.45 Ramadan Ayupov, The problem of empty names and its significance for semantics
19.45–20.10 Valeria Chasova, Empirical statuses of theoretical symmetries
20.10–20.35 Vladimir Stepanov, The method of constructing tables of multivalued logic of self-reference 
20.35–21.00 Viktoria Denisova, On the issue of the demarcation of logic from psychology

Illustration for news: Conference "Formal Philosophy 2023"

Conference "Formal Philosophy 2023"

On 11  – 13 October 2023, the International Conference "Formal Philosophy – 2023" was held, organized by the HSE International Laboratory of Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy (HSE University).

Illustration for news: The interview of Elena Dragalina-Chernaya was published in JORNAL DA UNICAMP

The interview of Elena Dragalina-Chernaya was published in JORNAL DA UNICAMP

Elena Dragalina-Chernaya gave an interview to the professor of UNICAMP (Campinas, Brazil) Walter Carnielli who is also the chairman of an advisory committee of the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Contemporary Logic, Rationality, and Information (SPLogIC). The interview was published in JORNAL DA UNICAMP and is dedicated to the history of logic and its current development prospects.

Illustration for news: Formal Philosophy 2022

Formal Philosophy 2022

On 31 October – 3 November 2022 , the International Conference "Formal Philosophy – 2022" was held, organized by the HSE International Laboratory of Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy.

"Formal Philosophy 2021" Plenary Session Videos are Published

Videos of talks by Pavel Naumov, Itala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano and Natasha Alechina are available!

Denis Fedyanin participated at the Fifteenth International Conference on Game Theory and Management

Illustration for news: Formal Philosophy 2021

Formal Philosophy 2021

On June 21-23, the International Conference "Formal Philosophy – 2021" was held, organized by the HSE International Laboratory of Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy.

Natalia Zevakhina and Veronika Prigorkina participated at the 14th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages

On June 2, Natalia Zevakhina and Veronika Prigorkina presented the talk "Deriving Conditional Perfection in Russian: the role of negation, clause order and face" at the 14th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-14). 

The new article of Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen

The article "Active Inference and Abduction" written by Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen and Majid D. Beni was published in the academic journal “Biosemiotics”.