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Arsen Volskiy gave a talk on the topic of "The Concept of Modality in the Context of Lukasiewicz's Three-Valued Logic"

A research workshop "From the Logical Point of View" was held on March 15. Arsen Volskiy (a student of NSU) made a presentation on "The Concept of Modality in the Context of Lukasiewicz's Three-Valued Logic". 


Jan Lukasiewicz is a well-known Polish logician, considered to be one of the first major researchers in the field of many-valued logic. In this regard, perhaps the most significant work is his article “Philosophical Remarks on Many-Valued Systems of Propositional Logic” wherein he formulates the concept of “possible” as a third truth value. I am going to talk about the logical system that Lukasiewicz is building as well as the motivations that lead him to this concept.

Arsen Volskiy gave a talk on the topic of "The Concept of Modality in the Context of Lukasiewicz's Three-Valued Logic"