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Статья Елены Драгалиной-Черной опубликована в серии Studies in Universal Logic издательства Birkhäuser

Статья Елены Драгалиной-Черной «Logical Hylomorphism Revisited: Aristotle, Tarski, and Corcoran» опубликована в монографии «Universal Logic, Ethics, and TruthEssays in Honor of John Corcoran (1937-2021)», вышедшей в  в серии Studies in Universal Logic издательства Birkhäuser.

Статья Елены Драгалиной-Черной опубликована в серии Studies in Universal Logic издательства Birkhäuser

обложка серии Studies in Universal Logic издательства Birkhäuser


This paper proposes an approach to the demarcation of formal ontology and formal epistemology based on the dichotomy between substantial and dynamic models of logical hylomorphism. Substantial hylomorphism considers logic as a theory of higher-order formal objects which turns their properties into rules of inference. Dynamic hylomorphism concerns goals-directed and rules-governed structured actions of reasoning agents rather than objects. The paper shows the significance of Corcoran’s formal methodology for balancing ontologically and epistemologically oriented versions of logical hylomorphism.


Logical Hylomorphism Revisited: Aristotle, Tarski, and Corcoran | SpringerLink