Интервью Хорхе Мендеса-Мартинеса
Хорхе Мендес-Мартинес, научный сотрудник МЛ ЛогЛинФФ, стал победителем конкурса Национального совета Мексики по науке и технологиям. О своей научной работе Хорхе рассказал в интервью порталу НИУ ВШЭ.
— You will be working on an ambitious project on the philosophy of sound and auditory perception and the history of science in Mexico, Russia and the Soviet Union. What are your ideas for the project?
My individual project is related to the research I have been doing for the last eight years at HSE, which pertains to sound and auditory perception
Likewise, a proposal for conducting research in the history of science that points to certain links between Mexico and Russia (and the Soviet Union) is in the works. I specifically would like to focus on certain key figures. Among them, I’d like to mention the Mexican philosopher Eli de Gortari, a logician, who published a work in the Soviet Union on dialectic logic (Введение в диалектическую логику). De Gortari was also the first—and to my knowledge the only—Mexican philosopher who published in the prestigious journal Voprosy Filosofii. Thus, one of my plans is to prepare a scientific paper in Russian about this author for that same journal and become the second Mexican philosopher to achieve this. One of my goals is to encourage the exchange between Russian and Mexican philosophies.
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