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Доклад Луи Поль Дж. Вервурта «Gettier's problem and Quine's epistemic holism: a unified account»

11 октября Луи Поль Дж. Вервурт (НИУ ВШЭ) выступил с докладом «Gettier's problem and Quine's epistemic holism: a unified account» на заседании теоретического семинара «Формальная философия».  

Доклад Луи Поль Дж. Вервурта «Gettier's problem and Quine's epistemic holism: a unified account»

фото МЛ ЛогЛинФФ

In this talk I will present an analysis of Gettier's problem, one of the basic problems of contemporary epistemology. I will show that a solution of the paradox brings an essential link with Quine's holism to the fore. I submit that a strict formalization of this analysis could be done.