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Сотрудники МЛ ЛогЛинФФ выступили на воркшопе "Games in Logic"

Виталий Долгоруков, Александра Павлова и Денис Федянин выступили с докладами на воркшопе, посвященном теоретико-игровым методам в логике ( "Games in Logic"), который проходил с 29 по 30 июня в Венском техническом университете (в гибридном формате).

Сотрудники МЛ ЛогЛинФФ выступили на воркшопе "Games in Logic"

Виталий Долгоруков представил доклад "Bisimulation Games in Modal Logic".
In this talk we present an overview of different types of bisimulation games and its applications. We will focus on connections between bisimilar equivalence and modal equivalence for standard and infinitary modal languages.

Александра Павлова выступила с докладом "Provability games: the Case of Mazhirov Game".
Game semantics provides an alternative view on basic logical concepts. Provability games, i.e., games characterising the validity of a formula provide a link between proof systems and semantics. We present a new type of provability game, namely the Mezhirov game, for various propositional and modal logic and give a proof sketch of the adequacy result. The games are finite resulting in a finite search for winning strategies.

Денис Федянин сделал доклад на тему "Abstract argumentation games with asymmetric trust to sources and uncertainty".
One of classic models of argumentation is based on attack graph. Its idea was introduced by S. Toulmin in “The Uses of Argument” in 1958. Nodes are arguments and a directed edge between arguments presents iff one argument weakens another. There is a modal logic description for agents games on such graphs, see a course “Abstract Argumentation and Modal Logic” on ESSLLI 2021 by Davide Grossi and Carlo Proietti. We introduce modification which is based on an idea that these arguments and their relations came from sources and these sources are not equally trustable by agents. It directly gets us to a consideration of several subjective attack graphs and epistemic structure, especially if we assume that agents might have only partial information about relation between arguments.  In our presentation we are going to show how this assumptions changes properties of games and what are winning strategies then.

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