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Опубликована статья Елены Поповой

В журнале "Логико-философские штудии" вышла статья Елены Поповой "Merging Epistemic and Temporal Models: a History-Free Approach".

There are two approaches to merging temporal and epistemic models. The first one consists in starting with a temporal model and enriching it with epistemic dimension (as temporal epistemic logic), while the second one is supposed to start with an epistemic model introducing temporal dimension (dynamic epistemic logic, epistemic temporal logic). The proposed evolutionary epistemic model (EEM) is based on the standard epistemic model with an evolutionary relation. EEM captures knowledge changes in terms of the evolution of worlds included in different epistemic contexts. Unlike other temporal-epistemic models, EEM is free from the concept of history and enriched with quantification operators over the worlds’ evolution stages.

Popova E. Merging Epistemic and Temporal Models: a History-Free Approach // Логико-философские штудии. 2022. Vol. 20. № 1. P. 1-7.