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Viktoriia Denisova made two presentations at the University of Campinas "Unicamp", Brazil.

Viktoriia Denisova, intern researcher IL LLFF made two presentations at the University of Campinas "Unicamp", Brazil, where she is undergoing an internship.

On November 1, at the meeting of the paraconsistent logic study group at the University of Campinas (Brazil) Viktoriia made a presentation entitled “Aristotelian Syllogistics and Paraconsistency”. She followed the research of Itala Loffredo d’Ottoviano and Evandro Gomez who have shown that parts of Aristotelian syllogistics can be counted as broad sense paraconsistency. The talk was accompanied by questions from the audience and a discussion.

On November 8th, Viktoriia gave a talk at a seminar on the philosophy of language, which takes place under the supervision of Professor Marco Antonio Caron Ruffino at the Center for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science. In the talk entitled “The Complexity of Ontological Commitment: Types, Numbers, and Natural Language Semantics”, Viktoriia presented her research on the ontological commitment of natural language semantics. After the presentation, the listeners asked questions and also gave recommendations on the directions of further research.