Обсуждение статьи Gaudou B., Herzig A., Longin D., & Lorini E. (2015). On Modal Logics of Group Belief
10 марта в 16:20 состоится заседание исследовательского семинара "From the Logical Point of View" Международной лаборатории логики, лингвистики и формальной философии.
В ходе семинара будет обсуждаться статья
Gaudou B., Herzig A., Longin D., & Lorini E. (2015). On Modal Logics of Group Belief
We overview the existing philosophical accounts of group belief, including both aggregative (or reductionist) approaches reducing collective belief to individual beliefs and non-reductionist approaches ascribing beliefs to the group as a whole. We then provide a modal logic of group belief GL that follows a non-reductionist approach. We compare our group belief logic with the well-known logic of common belief (which is a logic of collective belief in an aggregative sense) and with the logic of group acceptance that has been recently proposed by some of us. Finally, in the spirit of dynamic epistemic logics we propose an extension of GL by public announcements.
Gaudou, B., Herzig, A., Longin, D., & Lorini, E. (2015). On modal logics of group belief. In The Cognitive Foundations of Group Attitudes and Social Interaction (pp. 75-106).
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