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Обсуждение статьи Berto F. "Equivalence in Imagination"

Мероприятие завершено

24 февраля в 16:20 состоится заседание исследовательского семинара "From the Logical Point of View" Международной лаборатории логики, лингвистики и формальной философии.

В ходе семинара будет обсуждаться статья
Berto F.

"Equivalence in Imagination"


One sense of ‘imagination’ that matters in epistemology has the word mean ‘reality-oriented mental simulation’ (ROMS): we suppose that something is the case; develop the supposition by importing background knowledge and beliefs; and check what is true in the imagined scenario. What is the logic of ROMS? Imagination has a reputation for being logically anarchic. In particular, it’s hyperintensional: we can imagine A without imagining a necessarily equivalent B. This work considers a Principle of Equivalence in Imagination which, if accepted, will limit the anarchy: when A and B are equivalent in imagination, one will imagine the same things after supposing either in ROMS. What is equivalence in imagination? It is suggested that it’s cognitive equivalence. A and B are cognitively equivalent for one when they play the same role in one’s cognitive life: whatever one understands, concludes, etc., given either, one does, given the other. ROMS is logically modelled via variably strict modals. Two formal semantics are proposed for them: one uses possible worlds plus an algebra of topics; the other resorts to impossible worlds. The two deal with equivalence in imagination in subtly different ways.

Berto F. (Preprint) "Equivalence in Imagination"
To appear in: Epistemic Uses of Imagination (2021). Edited by Christopher Badura, Amy Kind.

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