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Обсуждение статьи Wang Y. N., Agotnes T. (2020) "Simpler completeness proofs for modal logics with intersection"

Мероприятие завершено

17 февраля в 16:20 состоится заседание исследовательского семинара "From the Logical Point of View" Международной лаборатории логики, лингвистики и формальной философии.

В ходе семинара будет продолжаться обсуждение статьи

Wang Y. N., Agotnes T.
"Simpler completeness proofs for modal logics with intersection"


There has been a significant interest in extending various modal logics with intersection, the most prominent examples being epis- temic and doxastic logics with distributed knowledge. Completeness proofs for such logics tend to be complicated, in particular on model classes such as S5 like in standard epistemic logic, mainly due to the undefinability of intersection of modalities in standard modal logics. A standard proof method for the S5 case was outlined in (Halpern, J.Y., Moses, Y., 1992) and later explicated in more detail in (Wang, Y.N., Agotnes, T., 2013), using an “unraveling-folding method” case to achieve a treelike model to deal with the problem of undefinability. This method, however, is not easily adapted to other logics, due to the level of detail and reliance on S5. In this paper we propose a simpler proof technique by building a treelike canonical model directly, which avoids the compli- cations in the processes of unraveling and folding. We demonstrate the technique by showing completeness of the normal modal logics K, D, T, B, S4 and S5 extended with intersection modalities. Furthermore, these treelike canonical models are compatible with Fischer-Ladner-style clo- sures, and we combine the methods to show the completeness of the men- tioned logics further extended with transitive closure of union modalities known from PDL or epistemic logic. Some of these completeness results are new.

Wang Y. N., Agotnes T. (2020) "Simpler completeness proofs for modal logics with intersection"

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