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Доклад Хорхе Луиса Мендеса Мартинеса "Acoustic mereotopology"

Мероприятие завершено

11 ноября в 16:20 состоится заседание исследовательского семинара "From the Logical Point of View" Международной лаборатории логики, лингвистики и формальной философии.

Хорхе Луис Мендес Мартинес
стажер-исследователь Международной лаборатории логики, лингвистики и формальной философии
выступит с докладом:


"Acoustic mereotopology"


My aim in this talk is to address the so-called logics of sound, ranging from Langer’s pioneering intuitions aping Boolean logic, Dipert’s and Whelden’s music set-theoretical analysis, to Pietarinen’s diagrammatic acoustic logic and Ingolf’s molecular logic of harmony. The first concern is to elucidate the main difference between those approaches, namely, the casuistic approach (that is, to logically represent sound or musical features by means of formal tools), and the instrumental approach (that is, to represent logical relations by means of sound). I’ll argue that if the ideal of isomorphism holds, then there is no such a a difference, yet it would still be hard to see all these approaches in the same plane. 

The second aim of this talk is to propose a new approach, via mereotopology (that is, the conjunction of the formal branches of metaphysics known as mereology—the study of parts, wholes and its connections— and topology —that is, the study of the location relationships between regions and particulars that occupy them—). The foray into mereotopology encompasses two efforts: the first one is (again) casuistic, in the sense of trying to apply the concepts of mereology an topology to the realm of sounds, which is a rather difficult task. The second one is (again) instrumental, in the sense of describing how acoustic phenomena (or, to be more precise, musical aspects) exhibits mereotopological relations, in particular thorny definitions like that of overlap and motion. 


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