SRG «Logic and Formal Philosophy»
Scientific research group «Logic and Formal Philosophy» of School of Philosophy and Culturology is organized on the base of International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy — the center of interdisciplinary research, where scholars are united by the aim of applying formal methods to classical philosophical problems, such as truth, knowledge, justification, rationality and normativity.
The aim of SRG «Logic and formal Philosophy» is to engage students in work on a variety of projects connecting with logic and analytic philosophy.
Participants of the SRG «Logic and Formal Philosophy»
School of Philosophy and Culturology fellows
Laboratory Head
Deputy Head

Associate Professor

Associate Professor
Associate Professor

Research Assistant
Senior Lecturer
ILLLFP fellows, associated with SRG «Logic and Formal Philosophy»

Research Assistant
Leading Research Fellow

Research Assistant

Chief Research Fellow
Chief Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow

Senior Research Fellow
Research Assistant

Research Assistant
Chief Research Fellow
Research Assistant
Junior Research Fellow
Term papers and theses
Mock themes of term papers and theses in 2020/2021
Regular seminars and conferences
Regular seminars
International conferences
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