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Pavel Astafyev made a presentation at the workshop "From the Logical Point of View"

On September 20, Pavel Astafyev made a presentation on "Disjunction in Natural Language, Exclusivity and Alternative Issues".

Pavel Astafyev made a presentation at the workshop "From the Logical Point of View"


Disjunctions in natural languages (compositional conjunctions like Russian or, either, or.. or...) differ in a number of ways both from disjunction in classical logic and from each other. During my presentation, we will consider two parameters of variability between natural language disjunctions: the robustness of exclusivity implications and the ability to form alternative questions. We will analyze existing approaches to the semantics of disjunctions that allow us to take into account these variability parameters, and also discuss whether these parameters are related to each other and, if so, how it could be explained.