Formal Philosophy 2021
The "Formal Philosophy" is an annual conference organized by the HSE International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy.
The "Formal Philosophy 2021" international conference will be held on June 21-23 at HSE University, Moscow. We are pleased to invite papers in:
- philosophical logic
- formal epistemology
- formal ontology
- philosophy of logic
- epistemology of logic
- formal ethics
- other branches of formal and mathematical philosophy.
This year we are also planning two special sessions:
- session on formal ethics
- special session dedicated to the centennial of the publication of the "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus".
Working language
Conference Format
Formal Philosophy 2021 will be organized in a hybrid format: with some talks in physical co-presence and some virtual talks.
The conference will be held online due to recent restrictions in Moscow.
Presentation duration: 30 min
The talk can be ca. 20 min with a 10 min Q&A period
For any further questions please contact organizing committee via
Logical Perspectives
This year the Formal Philosophy conference will be held in the framework of the Logical Perspectives Programme supported by Simons Foundation and Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (agreement no. 075-15-2019-1614).
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