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Theoretical Seminar "Formal Philosophy"

The Formal Philosophy Research Seminar is devoted to the use of formal analysis tools for the explication of a perspective of modern logic, ontology, epistemology and the philosophy of language. Special attention is given to dynamic and game-theoretic models and related approaches.

Co-chairs: Doctor of Sciences in Ontology and Epistemology Elena Dragalina-Chernaya, Doctor of Sciences in Logic Vladimir Vasyukov.
Executive secretary: Candidate of Sciences Vitaliy Dolgorukov.

10/9/2012Elena Dragalina-ChernayaOpening of the Formal Philosophy Seminar; Presentation of the book by Elena Dragalina-Chernaya
11/9/2012Vitaliy DolgorukovAnalysis of Scalar and Quantitative Implicatures Using Tools of  Game Theory and Optimality Theory
11/23/2012Elena Dragalina-ChernayaLogic of Forbidden Colors
12/7/2012Vladimir VasyukovQuantum Games
2/5/2013Vladimir VasyukovNon-Fregean Games
2/22/2013Andrei RodinCategorial Logic and Hegelian Dialectics
5/28/2013Alexander AnisovTextual Forms of the Systematization of Ideas
10/8/2013Vitaliy DolgorukovCriteria for Distinguishing Implicatures and Presuppositions from the Point of View of the Equilibrium Semantics
11/5/2013Elena Dragalina-ChernayaCATCH-6.54
11/26/2013Vladimir VasyukovOntology of the Unattainable Worlds or How is the Alethic Modal Logic Possible?
12/17/2013Andrei KrushinskiyLogic of Ancient China
4/11/2014Sergei PavlovThe Notion of Assertion and Formalization of its Definition
4/16/2014Meghyn BienvenuOntologies in Computer Science and Description Logics
9/23/2014Irina StarikovaThe Role of the Visual in Formation of Mathematical Concepts
11/12/2014Vitaliy DolgorukovThe Mechanisms of Contextual Updates
11/25/2014Elena Dragalina-ChernayaIf a Lion Spoke, or Who is Afraid of the Logical Space?
11/27/2014Vladimir VasyukovCategorical Formal Epistemology
12/4/2014Andrei BanovatsTopological Analysis of Implication and the Modus Ponens Rule of Inference
2/11/2015Elena Dragalina-Chernaya, Vladimir Vasyukov, Vitaliy Dolgorukov'Logica Ludicra', Presentation
2/24/2015Fabien SchangRelative Charity
3/17/2015Allard TammingaCollective Obligations and Individualism
3/24/2015Allard TammingaCollective Obligations and Joint Plans
4/9/2015Alexandra PavlovaThe Truth and Cognitive Presumptions
4/13/2015Ethan NowakComplex Demonstratives are Definite Descriptions
5/19/2015Sergei PavlovLogic of Symbolic Expressions for Formal Philosophy
11/17/2015Vladimir VasyukovDynamics of Intentionality and Combinations of Non-Classical Logics
12/8/2015Elena LisanyukJustification and Belief. Does the Argumentative Dispute Have a Formal Solution?
12/15/2015Angelina BobrovaCharles Peirce's 'Moving Pictures of Thought': Logic or Philosophy?
3/16/2016Elena Dragalina-ChernayaPresentation of the Monograph
4/26/2016Vitaliy DolgorukovI Know That You Know That I Know: Interactive Rationality & Bayesian Pragmatics
5/18/2016Fabien SchangEpistemic Disagreements
10/28/2016Vitaliy DolgorukovSocial Influence Within Dynamic Epistemic Logic: Plausibility Models 
12/19/2016Vitaliy DolgorukovSocial Influence Within Epistemic Logic 
02/16/2017Elena Dragalina-ChernayaThe Right Use of Names: A Game-Theoretic Interpretation
03/15/2017Jorge Méndez-MartínezOn What There Is Not, Fictional Objects and Problems Concerning Logical Models
04/25/2017Paolo ValoreA Critical Evaluation of the Standard Ontological Commitment: the Quantificational Paradigm Challenged
04/25/2017Allard TammingaKatz’s Revisability Paradox Dissolved 
06/28/2017Mikhail SmirnovOntology and Event Logic
10/9/2017Tudor ProtopopescuA Hyperintensional Logical Framework for Deontic Reasons
10/16/2017Frode BjørdalAll Properties are Divine or God exists
10/19/2017Melvin FittingOn Modalities and Quantifiers
11/29/2017Vladimir KrupskiyOn Modelling Confidence and Knowledge in Social Networks


Denis Fedyanin

Threshold and Network generalizations of Muddy Faces Puzzle


Vladimir Vasyukov

Kantian Motives in Intuitionism


Irina Starikova

Is there any “logic of discovery in pictures”: Where do scientific ideas come from? 


Evgeny Borisov

On the Semantics of Definite Descriptions in Predicative Position


Andrei Rodin

Geometrical Logic versus Logical Geometry: the Case of Univalent Foundations


Elia Zardini

Unstable Knowledge


The Round table

Formal Philosophy: Foundations and Prospects


Gila Sher

Non-Traditional Solution to the Liar Paradox


Gila Sher

Mathematical Truth


Gila Sher

The Foundational Role of Model-Theory

Itala D’Ottaviano

Translations between logics

Itala D’Ottaviano

Systemic Thinking

Jan Hertrich-Woleński

 Tarski's Theory of Truth

Jan Hertrich-Woleński

Analytic Philosophy in Poland

Vladimir Vasyukov

Situations, events, facts: formal phenomenology of situations

 Evgeny Zolin

Abstract theory of definability 

Elena Dragalina-Chernaya

Material consequence

Vladimir Vasyukov

Logical pluralism in the Lvov-Warsaw School

Alexandra Pavlova

From Truth Degree Comparison Games to Sequents-of-Relations Calculi for Gödel Logic

Vadim Petrovskiy

Constructing the Logic Model of Subjective Validity

Vitaliy Dolgorukov, Natalia Zevakhina, Daria Popova

The Book Presentation. Introduction to Linguistic Pragmatics

Jakub Gomułka and Adam Roman

Tractatus 6 Reconsidered: Wittgensten’s Trade-off and the S-operation
Jonas HeldInference and Predication

Gila Sher


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